Amazing Benefits of Rambutan For Beauty and Healthy

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The rambutan, Nephelium lappaceum, is a fruit considered exotic to people outside of its native range. To people of Malaysia, Thailand, the Phillippines, Vietnam, Borneo, and other countries of this region, the rambutan is a relatively common fruit the same way an apple is common to many people in cooler climates. This may change for the rambutan over time as availability and distribution improve.The rambutan is a medium-sized tropical tree in the family Sapindaceae. The fruit produced by...

What are the health benefits of eating an Durian fruit

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What are the health benefits of eating an Durian fruitThe durian is the fruit of several tree species belonging to the genus Durio. There are 30 recognised Durio species, at least nine of which produce edible fruit.Durian fruit has a sweet fruit aroma and soft texture when eating, besides the fruit has an odor that is characteristic of the durian. But you need to know if the durian fruit is not only good for the consumer, but also can be useful for beauty treatments such as skin rejuvenation.This...

What are the Health Benefits Fruit Lime For Antioxidant and Anti Cancer

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Health Benefits Fruit Lime for anticancer (Citrus auranfolia)Lime (from Arabic and French lim) is a term referring to a citrus fruit which is typically round, green, 3–6 centimetres (1.2–2.4 in) in diameter, and containing sour (acidic) pulp. There are several species of citrus trees whose fruits are called limes, including the Key lime, Persian lime, kaffir lime, and desert lime. Limes are a good source of vitamin C, and are often used to accent the flavours of foods and beverages. They...

6 Amazing Benefits of Seaweed for Body and Healthy

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What are the Benefits of Seaweed for HealthWhat are the Amazing Benefits of Seaweed for your body and HealthySeaweed is a macroscopic, multicellular, marine algae that lives near the seabed. The term includes some members of the red, brown, and green algae. Seaweeds can also be classified by use. The study of seaweed is known as Phycology.Seaweed is one type of seafood is very nutritious for health. But can be used as an assortment of refined products, seaweed also offers a fairly high protein...

7 Health Benefits of Winged bean for your body and beauty

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What is Winged bean ?The winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus), also known as the Goa bean, four-angled bean, four-cornered bean, Manila bean, Mauritius bean, is a tropical legume plant native to New Guinea.It grows abundantly in hot, humid equatorial countries, from the Philippines and Indonesia to India, Burma, Malaysia , Thailand and Sri Lanka. It is widely known, yet grown on a small scale in Southeast Asia and Papua New Guinea.[1] Winged bean is well-recognized by farmers and consumers...

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera for Facial and Beauty Skin

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What are the Health Benefits of Aloe Vera for Facial and Beauty SkinAloe Vera is a succulent plant species. The species is frequently cited as being used in herbal medicine since the beginning of the first century AD. Extracts from A. vera are widely used in the cosmetics and alternative medicine industries, being marketed as variously having rejuvenating, healing, or soothing properties. There is, however, little scientific evidence of the effectiveness or safety of Aloe vera extracts...

Health benefits of Avocado for Diet (Lose Weight)

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What are the health benefits of Avocado for Diet (Lose Weight)What are the Health benefits of Avocado for Diet (Lose Weight)The avocado is a tree native to Mexico and Central America, classified in the flowering plant family Lauraceae along with cinnamon, camphor and bay laurel.The presumption high fat content in avocados is the reason for those dieters. Actual fat content in avocados are good fats that is safe for the body. Not make you fat but instead regularly consume avocado fruit can lose...

Health Benefits of Longan (Lamyai) for your body and beauty

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What are the Health Benefits of Longan (Lamyai) for your body and  beautyThe longan, also known as lamyai, is a fruit that somewhat resembles the lychee. Longan is native to Southern China. The shell is bark-like, reddish/brown, thin and less rough than the lychee. This makes the fruit easy to shell. The flesh is whitish, translucent, somewhat musky, sweet, and tastes somewhat like mango. The seed is round, jet-black, shining, with a circular white spot at the base.Longan fruit circular with...

Benefits Of Mango For Weight Loss (Diet) and Beauty Skin

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What are the Health Benefits Of Mango For Weight Loss (Diet), Beauty Skin and your body“The king of the fruits," mango fruit is one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruits with unique flavor, fragrance, taste, and heath promoting qualities, making it numero-uno among new functional foods, often labeled as “super fruits."Mango is one of the delicious seasonal fruits grown in the tropics. The tree is believed to be originating in the sub-Himalayan plains of Indian subcontinent. Botanically,...

Health benefits of Spondias dulcis (kedondong, buah long long, pomme cythere, cajá-manga, manzana de oro, cajarana, juplon, golden apple) for your body

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What is Kedondong (Golden Apple) ?Spondias dulcis (syn. Spondias cytherea), known commonly as ambarella, is an equatorial or tropical tree, with edible fruit containing a fibrous pit. It is known by many other names in various regions, including kedondong in Indonesia, buah long long among the Chinese population in Singapore, pomme cythere in Trinidad and Tobago,Dominica, Guadeloupe, and Martinique, June plum in Bermuda and Jamaica, juplon in Costa Rica, golden apple in Barbados and Guyana, jobo...