Medical Benefits of Kaempferia galanga ( kencur, aromatic ginger, sand ginger, cutcherry)

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Medical Benefits of Kaempferia galanga ( kencur, aromatic ginger, sand ginger, cutcherry) for Beauty and your bodyKaempferia galanga, commonly known as kencur, aromatic ginger, sand ginger, cutcherry or resurrection lily, is a monocotyledonous plant in the ginger family, and one of four plants called galangal. It is found primarily in open areas in Indonesia, southern China, Taiwan, Cambodia and India, but is also widely cultivated throughout Southeast Asia.Here are some amazing medical benefits...

Health Benefits of Leek For Pregnant Women and Your Body

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Did you know that what are the Amazing Health Benefits of Leek For Pregnant Women (During Pregnancy) and Your Body. The leek is a vegetable that belongs, along with onion and garlic, to the genus Allium, currently placed in family Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Allioideae. Historically, many scientific names were used for leeks, which are now treated as cultivars of Allium ampeloprasum. Two related vegetables, elephant garlic and Kurrat, are also cultivars of A. ampeloprasum, although different in their...

Health benefits of Candlenut oil for hair and Beauty

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What are the Medical health benefits of Candlenut oil (candleberry, Indian walnut, kemiri, varnish tree, nuez de la India, buah keras or kukui nut tree.) for hair and BeautyAleurites moluccanus (or moluccana), the candlenut, is a flowering tree in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, also known as candleberry, Indian walnut, kemiri, varnish tree, nuez de la India, buah keras or kukui nut tree.Its native range is impossible to establish precisely because of early spread by humans, and the tree is now...

Medical Benefits of Cloves for Beauty Skin and Healthy Hair

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What are the amazing Medical Benefits of Cloves for Beauty Skin and Healthy Hair Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum. They are native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, and are commonly used as a spice. Cloves are commercially harvested primarily in Indonesia, India, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.Botanically, clove-spice belongs to the family of Myrtaceae in the genus; Sygyzium, and scientifically named as Sygizium...

Amazing Benefits of Ginger root for Pregnant Women and Beauty

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What are the Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger root for Pregnant Women (During Pregnancy) and BeautyPungent, spicy ginger root is one of popular root herb of culinary as well as medicinal importance. The root ginger composes unique phyto-chemical compounds and still finds a special place in many traditional Indian and Chinese medicines for its disease preventing and health promoting properties.The spicy root is actually an underground rhizome of small herb plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family,...

Health Benefits of kaffir lime Leaves For Beauty and your body

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What are the Amazing Health Benefits of kaffir lime Leaves For Beauty and your bodyThe kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix), sometimes referred to in English as the makrut lime (see below) or Mauritius papeda, is a fruit native to tropical Asia including India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. It is used in Southeast Asian cuisine and the oil from it is used in perfumery.What is kaffir lime Leaves ?Kaffir lime leaves are thick, dark green and shiny on the top, porous...

Health Benefits of kaffir lime For Beauty and Traditional Medicine

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What are the Health Benefits of kaffir lime For Beauty and Traditional Medicine ?The kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix), sometimes referred to in English as the makrut lime (see below) or Mauritius papeda, is a fruit native to tropical Asia including India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. It is used in Southeast Asian cuisine and the oil from it is used in perfumery.With an easy identification, Citrus hystrix has distinctively shaped "double" leaves with a thorny...

Health Benefits of Button Mushrooms for your body and Beauty

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What are the amazing Health Benefits of Button Mushrooms for your body and BeautyAgaricus bisporus is an edible basidiomycete mushroom native to grasslands in Europe and North America. It has two color states while immature white and brown both of which have various names. When mature, it is known as Portobello mushroom.When immature and white—this mushroom may be known as common mushroom, button mushroom, white mushroom, cultivated mushroom, table mushroom, and champignon mushroom. When immature...

Health Benefits of Longan (Euphoria longana) For Beauty and Your body

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What are the Amazing Health Benefits of Longan (Euphoria longana) For Beauty and Your body Dimocarpus longan, commonly known as the longan, is a tropical tree that produces edible fruit. It is one of the better-known tropical members of the soapberry family, to which the lychee also belongs. It is native to Southern Asia.Longan fruit circular with a diameter of 12-20 mm. Skin deep yellowish brown and coarse. The flesh is translucent white with a high water content making it suitable for making...

Health Benefits of Japanese Persimmon For Beauty and Your Body

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Health Benefits of Japanese Persimmon For Beauty and Your BodyDiospyros kaki, better known as the Japanese persimmon, kaki persimmon or Asian persimmon in North America, is the most widely cultivated species of the Diospyros genus.Health Benefits of Japanese Persimmon For Beauty and Your BodyHere are some amazing Health Benefits of Japanese Persimmon For Beauty and Your Body :Cancer Prevention: Persimmon fruit contains anti-cancer agents that can increase the body's ability to fight free radicals....

Health Benefits of Collard greens For Beauty and Weight Loss

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What are the Amazing Health Benefits of Collard greens For Beauty and Weight LossCollard greens is the American English term for various loose-leafed cultivars of Brassica oleracea, part of the Acephala group which also contains cabbage and broccoli.Collards are probably originated in the eastern European or Asia Minor region and now days grown almost all parts of the cooler temperate regions. The plant grows up to 3-4 feet in height and bears dark-green leaves arranged in a rosette fashion around...

Amazing Benefits of Zucchini for your Healthy and Beauty

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What are the Amazing Benefits of Zucchini for your Healthy and BeautyZucchini or courgette is a summer squash which can reach nearly a meter in length, but which is usually harvested at half that size or less. Along with certain other squashes and pumpkins, it belongs to the species Cucurbita pepo.Summer squashes are believed to be originating in the Central America and Mexico. Several different cultivars of summer squash are grown throughout the United States during warmer, frost-free...

Health Benefits of Malay Apple, Jambu Bol, otaheite cashew for Beauty and your body

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What are the Health Benefits of Malay Apple, Jambu Bol, otaheite cashew for Beauty and your bodySyzygium malaccense is a species of flowering tree native to Malaysia, Indonesia (Sumatra and Java) Vietnam, Thailand, New Guinea and Australia. It has been introduced throughout the tropics, including many Caribbean countries and territories, such as Panama, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Suriname, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,...

Health Benefits of Apricots Fruit for Beauty and During Pregnancy (Pregnant Women)

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 What are the Health Benefits of Apricots Fruit for Beauty and During Pregnancy (Pregnant Women) Apricots (Prunus armeniaca), the most commonly cultivated apricot species, also called ansu apricot, Siberian apricot, Tibetan apricot, is a species of Prunus, classified with the plum in the subgenus Prunus.Apricots can be a healthy addition to the diet of an expecting mother. However, it is very important that you wash them properly to get rid of parasites and harmful bacteria that results...